If you’ve clicked a link in one of Ellie’s e-newsletters, or been interested in the page title, she’s hoping you might want to know a little more about becoming actively involved in politics. Ellie is keen to stress this isn’t a party political initiative, “I simply want to encourage new voices in politics and help support the next generation of local councillors and potential MPs.”
Ellie also states, “I’m really keen to encourage new people to consider getting actively involved in politics. Women and young people are still very under-represented in politics, so I am especially keen to encourage them to step forward! I’m planning to organise some informal get togethers for people who might potentially consider getting involved in politics some day, and who’d like to hear what it really involves.”
If you’d like to be part of a conversation with Ellie, over coffee and cake, please fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you.