Dr Ellie Chowns

MP for North Herefordshire

Dr Ellie Chowns

for North Herefordshire

Dr Ellie Chowns

for North Herefordshire

Latest news

Best for Britain says vote Green in North Herefordshire

Best for Britain says vote Green in North Herefordshire

For change in North Herefordshire, vote Green! That's the clear message from our conversations with local people all over the constituency - and now from Best For Britain's new tactical voting advice too! Their advice is based on our active campaign in the...

Doorknocking in Ledbury and Tarrington

Doorknocking in Ledbury and Tarrington

A great afternoon door knocking yesterday in Ledbury and Tarrington. Thank you to all the volunteers and everyone that gave us a such warm welcome on their doorstep.

Rotary Club film screening

Rotary Club film screening

I went to a very moving film screening of 'Someone's Daughter, Someone's Son' recently hosted by Hereford City Rotary Club at The Courtyard Hereford to raise funds for two very worthwhile causes: The Living Room and Herefordshire Veteran Support Centre. This powerful...

Green Party Manifesto Launch

Green Party Manifesto Launch

I was delighted to be at the Green Party's manifesto launch in Sussex today. This is a manifesto to repair our NHS, renew our economy and restore our rivers. After 14 years of Conservative mismanagement and underfunding, so many people in North Herefordshire tell me...

Join me at a North Herefordshire hustings

Join me at a North Herefordshire hustings

Ahead of the General Election on Thursday 4th July, I will be taking part in hustings events across North Herefordshire. Do come along to hear from me and the other candidates. All the details are below, including information on how to submit questions (where...

Op-ed for the i newspaper’s river manifesto

Op-ed for the i newspaper’s river manifesto

I'm delighted that the Green Party is supporting the i newpaper's Save Britain's Rivers manifesto - and that we'd go further to end the national scandal of pollution and sewage in our rivers. Together with Sian Berry, I wrote about our plans to clean up our water in...

Campaigning in Pembridge with Baroness Natalie Bennett

Campaigning in Pembridge with Baroness Natalie Bennett

It was a beautiful day to be out speaking to voters today - and I was delighted to be joined by Baroness Natalie Bennett, former Green Party leader and Member of the House of Lords, in Pembridge today. Natalie's tireless work to hold the Government to account in...

Oliver’s Herefordshire Cider and Perry

Oliver’s Herefordshire Cider and Perry

It was a real pleasure to visit Oliver's Cider and Perry today. Oliver’s is a small, independent cider and perry making company based on a farm in Ocle Pychard, Herefordshire. I met founder Tom Oliver to learn more about the business, and the fine cider and perry that...

Volunteers in Ledbury and Leominster

Volunteers in Ledbury and Leominster

We had teams out campaigning in both Leominster and Ledbury today. Here I am with some of the lovely people who’ve been out knocking on doors in Ledbury today. Politics is all about teamwork - if you'd like to join our lovely team, find out how you can get involved!

CPRE Herefordshire talk: ‘Can our rivers survive?’

CPRE Herefordshire talk: ‘Can our rivers survive?’

Fantastic talk last night at Eardisland Village Hall by Andrew McRobb of CPRE Herefordshire on the subject 'Can our Rivers Survive?'. CPRE have done an amazing job raising awareness of the plight of our rivers and also very practically organising hundreds of citizen...