Dr Ellie Chowns

MP for North Herefordshire

Dr Ellie Chowns

for North Herefordshire

Dr Ellie Chowns

for North Herefordshire

I’m delighted that the Green Party is supporting the i newpaper‘s Save Britain’s Rivers manifesto – and that we’d go further to end the national scandal of pollution and sewage in our rivers.
Together with Sian Berry, I wrote about our plans to clean up our water in the i today.

In the piece, Sian and I outline how, as Green Party candidates for areas impacted by these crises, we are committed to joining our communities to demand clean water.

In this area, agricultural runoff – especially from industrial chicken production – has choked our beautiful rivers and destroyed much plant and animal life in just a few years.

Organisations like River Action and CPRE Herefordshire are doing great work – but leadership from government is sorely missing.

We support the i’s river manifesto, and we’d go further by increasing DEFRA’s budget by £1.5bn, allowing an increase in funding for the Environment Agency and Natural England to support their vital work to protect our environment. Effective monitoring and enforcement are vital to end the flow of pollution into rivers and the sea from fertilisers, agricultural waste and sewage.

You can read the full article about the Green Party’s support for the manifesto and our op-ed on how we’d go further here (behind the i’s paywall)

If elected, my Green colleagues and I will do all we can to push the next government into taking the bold action needed to end the scandal of our filthy waterways.