Dr Ellie Chowns

for North Herefordshire

Dr Ellie Chowns

for North Herefordshire

You can help elect Ellie at the next General Election!

Put up a poster!

Do you live in North Herefordshire and would like a poster for your window or a posterboard for your garden? Let us know by clicking the button below!

Action days

Come along to an action day to door knock, deliver surveys or post leaflets!

Campaign at another time

Can’t make an action day? You’re more than welcome to come and door knock or deliver leaflets at another time:

Polling day - Thursday 4th July

Book it off now! On polling day, Thursday 4th July, we’ll be delivering Ellie’s last leaflet in the morning and then knocking on Green voters in the afternoon reminding them to vote!

Online training

7pm every Wednesday via Zoom

If you’d like to find out more about door knocking before coming to an action day please do sign up for one of our online door knocking training sessions.

If you’ve done some door knocking before and want to improve your conversations we also offer intermediate and advanced training!

Help from home

Other ways to get involved

Keeping in touch

To keep up to date with campaigning opportunities, such as action days: 

To receive regular updates on what Ellie’s been up to recently such as her visits to businesses around North Herefordshire: